Project Overview

Gravity Sketch is an intuitive software application for cross-disciplinary teams to create, collaborate, and review in an entirely new way. Express 3D ideas in real-time, at any scale, from initial concepts through to detailed 3D models using an extensive array of digital creative tools.

Gravity Sketch is a small start-up founded in 2014 by CEO Oluwaseyi Sosanya, Daniela Paredes and Daniel Thomas. Twenty-four members of staff with four designers - two junior, one midweight and me as the lead designer.

“Why solve 3D design problems with 2D screen - Design for the future!”

The Challenges

Gravity sketch wants to change the way physical products are designed, developed and brought to market. It offers 3D design software for cross-disciplinary teams so they can “create, collaborate, and review” in a much more frictionless way, including via virtual reality, in which collaboration can take place in 3D and real-time. The idea is to help speed up development cycles, especially involving globally distributed and increasingly remote teams.
My Contributions

Leading and managing the design team and design tasks, helping and educating the company about design sprints and agile methodologies.

One of my main tasks was to create an interaction/motion design system for VR as the product felt flat and unresponsive. One of the areas that needed the most work was the redesign of the VR, Ipad and Desktop lobbies; they were dull and uninspiring. I also help shape the road map and features for the Landing Pad a browser-based files system for uses to manage their files. Prototyping in VR was something that needs to be in place for us as a team to iterate quickly and not fail hard. I introduced Shaders to the UI, which meant that the UI was not grey, but we can add animations to give the product some life and feel.

Gravity Sketch

Preserve your design intent through the creative process! Communicate ideas in 3D at each stage, capture work as an image or model to use in other phases of your workflow.

A powerful yet intuitive creation tool - express 3D ideas in real-time at any scale. Create loose free form sketches, detailed models, expansive scenes, and artwork unrestricted.

Let's take a closer look.


Give users the Ability to express thier ideas in real-time, at any scale, from concept sketches through to detailed 3D models. Create using a wide variety of digital tools in Virtual Reality and supporting tablet applications. Users can View and manage their designs on your desktop using the LandingPad cloud platform, and integrate Gravity Sketch within your end-to-end workflow. Gravity sketch allowing users to create a 3D “napkin sketch” straight from their brain,


Where the magic happens, think of the VR and your replacement for CAD, C4D, Blender or any other of tho's complicated 3D products. With this VR app we take away the complexity of the 3D form and make the impossible for some the possible.

Not only do we make it easier to create with make it super easy to collaborate with co-create where user cna share work and itrate quickly.


The tablet app combines 2D sketch with 3D so thos non 3D user can still create with freedom but in there natural habituate, after all pen and pencil is a designer staple. User can share to VR to enhance there designs or share views via the web so other team members can give them valuable feedback.


The cloud-based solution to access your design content anytime, anywhere. Easily share your designs with Gravity Sketch users and quickly transfer files between your VR headset, Tablet and computer via the Cloud.


One of the first things i like to do when starting on a new project is have a look at the excisting IA flows and pace it all together. At Gravity Sketch there was alot of hidden interactions and menus in the flows, some where more specaised and other where beta vesions (which where live) so form this i mapped out all the issuess we have for new and exsiting users.

VR IA & issues

Below is some of the IA of the VR workflow, overall the basic interactions of sketching works well for users, but the more complex tasks like create meshes, NURBS, or Subdivision was hard to do and find how to do it. exporting the artwork was an issues users didn't know how to do it and what the output is. Saving files is not an auto save so users where losing work or part of there work.

Finding file and importing elements such as OBJ or images the user flow is long winded. But the biggest issues where the interactions, no congnative feedback so users whould not know if the task there where trying to active was complete, i made the user think or double check - there is no trust.

The first thing when you enter the application is that your in a empty room with just you and you contollers, no guidance and no help to get going. some users can even exit out of this area due to the fact its hard to find the exit button.

on the other hand a tool is already selected so that the user can quickly get going, but its limited as its a line tool, the user has to search though the menus to change the mode.

There was alot of legacy development and alot of elements live that where tests for example beta called toolbelt, which is another menu that his hidden on a drag gesture. Users find it very hard to find.

Menu's in general if Gravity sketch is an issure so many menus and so many hinden interactions, so easy to get lost and confused.

Changing and understanding tools is hard to understand and hard to tweak as you need a real understanding of the tool before you can use it. there was no on boarding so your left in the a 3d scene with nothing but you and your controllers.

The lobby was very outdated and very hard to find files. the interactions where painful you have to be close to the elements to interact, which is a massive cognitive and fistcal load on the user.

Landing Pad

The cloud-based solution where user can design content anytime, anywhere. Easily share there designs with Gravity Sketch users and quickly transfer files between your VR headset and computer via the Cloud.

LAnding Pad issues

The main issues where the UX flow, was very hard to find files, add content and share content with other users. One massive issue was that you don't know what kind of file you can upload to LP. It become a bit of a mess if your not organised and its very hard to clean it up after its in the LP. Another Issue was that user thought that the LP was another company and not related to Gravity Sketch, so they didnt want to use it and did trust it.

The main issues where the UX flow, was very hard to find files, add content and share content with other users. One massive issue was that you don't know what kind of file you can upload to LP. It become a bit of a mess if your not organised and its very hard to clean it up after its in the LP. Another Issue was that user thought that the LP was another company and not related to Gravity Sketch, so they didnt want to use it and did trust it.


Making 3D creation fun, free and enjoyable. With Gravity Sketch, create beautiful 3D models in a matter of seconds. Characters, planes, spaceships, furniture, glassware, rings, pendants everything that you build can be 3D printed in plastic, metal or ceramics.

We are determined to empower everyone to create. We have designed a simple set of powerful tools for you to create just about any idea in 3D. Making it as easy as doodling on a piece of paper. By hand sketching your creations you will develop your own style.

LAnding Pad issues

How do users get there 2d/3d models on to VR and/or AR? the direction for this project was to copy procreate and keep the same functionality that it had before just improve usabiliy of the product.

The issue i had was that the VR and Ipad in terms of functionality are very fair apart to to build an ecosystem they need to be able to compliment each other but the business wanted to have them separately and maybe connect them in the future.


Menus are an issue, they are inconsistent and very confusing to find. in total there are 5 types of menu's which is already a congnative overload but to add more complexity some are on hidden on interactions, so the user gets furstaed when they open the menu up by accident and then when they need it they try all kinds of movements to access it.

Main menu is where you can draw this is where most users will do most of there work. but as you can see from the video below its overloaded with options and hard to keep track of whats what. Saving and exiting the sketch in testing was an issue, look them a couple of goes to do it.

Toolbelt menu this is hidden under a drag swipe interaction which is a common action in the sketch, to duplicate a mesh the user hovers over the object and holds down trigger and drag the item but this if done in the right action open up the toolbelt, which is used for quick actions the aim is to qucken up the users work flow. but the issues are that knowone i tested with (new and pro user) new how to find it. when ones that did said it was always in the way and hard to use. mainly hard to use due to the fact that when your dont with a tool it stays where you left it, this is painful as its in the scene.

THE VR Lobby

Now the issues with the Lobby are that its very hard to find work, hard to sort files, impossable to share work, very hard to use and very uninspiring - not my words these are words form GS user testing sessions.


IA feels like an after thought and not planned. there is not flow and the interactions are very inconsisent and confusing.

The carosells look and feel outdated, hard to use and dont foucs on the user which makes it hard to view, its like talking to a firend without look at them - one free rude but secodly its hard to read the situation at a user behaivor level and its the same here. we have to remember that VR can be clostrophobic at times to all these little behaior can effect a user.

Finding files and navigating thought them is painful, there are no filters and coping files or even moving files is confusing as there is no feedback telling the action is complete.

Co-Create is another confusing element, these session are rooms with other users not your files but they are in the same work flow so user get confued how to access it and how to find the rooms. Saving a co-sketch room saves it into your files and then is no longer a room. none of this is comunicated to the user and they all get lost.


Tools themselves are great you can draw quicker and easier then say C4D or CAD, also the learning curve is shorter for 2D artist as you using your body - i know what that sounds like but its true, the learn behaviour is quicker as your using actions that you use in you every day events.


Gravity sketch has a real mix of sectors as we aim to be the tool to help designer design in 3d weather that would for a film set, game world, architecture or physical products. here are some examples

Alot of our users use Gravity Sketch in the development stages, for example in the automobile sector i takes up to 12 -14 months to prototype a vicale but with Gravity Sketch they can produce a protoype within weeks and collabaate/itterate using co-sketch where other designer or coleges can crotieck there work.

DEsign process

One of the issues that arrived very early as there was no design process in place or any validation of their ideas or designs. What I tried to install was a build measure learn methodology that way we could understand if and what we are building is the right solution for our users, this way we can pivot quickly rather than wasting months developing something user didn't want or care about.

I also installed a client process review, where I would integrate our uses workflow so i can understand the user's needs but also pinpoint the area where growth is needed or area where integration is needed.

We have a lot of different kinds of user with all kinds of needed and wants so doing a client process review show us where the cross over of use is and show wherein there process the user are tools.


Using the build meaurse learn metholdogy we tested oftern and to different level of fidelity, some would be concpets for example figma prototype and some would be higher fidelity Unit build for example. The aim was to get as much information from our testing session and keep building on the features or pivoting the feature all together.

Gravity sketch has a real mix of sectors as we aim to be the tool to help designer design in 3d weather that would for a film set, game world, aurticehecter or products. here are some examples

Gravity sketch has a real mix of sectors as we aim to be the tool to help designer design in 3d weather that would for a film set, game world, aurticehecter or products. here are some examples


Gravity sketch has a real mix of sectors as we aim to be the tool to help designer design in 3d weather that would for a film set, game world, aurticehecter or products. here are some examples


We identified contacts as somewhere were we could make an impacted in the market. We looked at iPhone and Google products and came up with a flow that would improve the users experience and at the same time be better in the market

Understanding VR

We’ve all been affected by some sort of “text neck” syndrome at some point (the soreness felt from looking down at our smart phones for extended periods). Depending on how far you lean over, poor posture can create up to 60 pounds of pressure on your spine. This can lead to permanent nerve damage in your spine and neck.

VR Ergonomics

One way to avoid user fatigue is to mix up different types of interactions. These allow your user to interact with the world in different ways and use different muscle groups. More frequent interactions should be brief, simple, and achieved with a minimum of effort, while less frequent interactions can be broader or require more effort. You’ll always want to position frequently used interactive elements within the human comfort zone

Viewing ZONES

The ideal viewing angle is 70 degrees anything beond this point means the user needs to move there head and like i said before this can lead to users being uncomfortable. Distance is another factor, too close and verything feel on top of the user but to fair away is painful to strech. Paralax is brakes down elements into layers and bring depth to the scene. Foreground (0.5 - 2m) could be the users navigational construct, Midground (10-15m) could be used as the main point of interest menu or sketching area and the background (20m+) should give the user some grounding in the space, give them context to distances.

Peripheral Zone

What i mean peripheral zone is the area just out of focus of the users eyesight. The issue with this area is that it can become overwhelming if you use this area incorrectly and can be hard to foucs on what to do and a cognitive load to understand. So in these area if i was going to use them it would not be for actions or normal work flows. I would use them for more discovery features for example learning a new feature or showing of others work.

Curiosity Zone

In this area a-lot of VR platforms are forgetting or not using this area. I think of this area as an easter egg, on 2D digital product this means hidden items and this applies here. Here we placed 3D objects for insporation and to show off what Gravity Sketch can do. This also helped with our comuintiy as they liked geting the exposer - who doesn't right


Switching apps has always been a tricky thing to do. We came up with a much more comfortable and quicker way to navigate through the user's app's. Here are some iterations.

Switching apps has always been a tricky thing to do. We came up with a much more comfortable and quicker way to navigate through the user's app's. Here are some iterations.

VR Ergonomics

How can we make change App in less touches but yet not break the users context of where they have come from and going to.

Switching apps has always been a tricky thing to do. We came up with a much more comfortable and quicker way to navigate through the user's app's. Here are some iterations.

Navigation is the act of moving between screens of an app to complete tasks. It’s enabled through several means: dedicated navigation components, embedding navigation behavior into content, and platform affordances.


The design process for VR is different from traditional workflows, I still used Sketch and Figma but not as much as i would have say for a mobile/desktop application. With MR, VR and AR you need to creative with the tool you use and dear i say it hack (hate this word) something together as failing quick is very important with ermering technology to learn and adapt. I found a lot of what you think should work in reality doesn't and its about understanding why and iterating quickly


As gravity sketch is a sketching tool i used it a lot to sketch ideas and scenes, which puts the designs in context to the user sarodings and its kind of prototyping as its in the scene so placement and user ergonomics is easy to tweak.

Overall i mixed up the design process with sketches on the iPad (procreate), VR Gravity Sketch sketches with a mix of Unity, after effect and C4D.

Overall i mixed up the design process with sketches on the iPad (procreate), VR Gravity Sketch sketches with a mix of Unity, after effect and C4D.

DEEP DIVE - discovery phases

As gravity sketch is a sketching tool i used it a lot to sketch ideas and scenes, which puts the designs in context to the user sarodings and its kind of prototyping as its in the scene so placement and user ergonomics is easy to tweak.


As gravity sketch is a sketching tool i used it a lot to sketch ideas and scenes, which puts the designs in context to the user sarodings and its kind of prototyping as its in the scene so placement and user ergonomics is easy to tweak.

MVP - UX and interactions

As gravity sketch is a sketching tool i used it a lot to sketch ideas and scenes, which puts the designs in context to the user sarodings and its kind of prototyping as its in the scene so placement and user ergonomics is easy to tweak.


So prototyping was a mix of tools, i used figma for the basic IA and wireframing, to prototype my figma ideas i used a plugin called VRoom or DraftXR which turns your design into a 360 view with hit states that is handy.

After effects

I user after effects more for interactions and quick mock up flows to see if the flow works and to get buy in from other teams and see if we can build the ideas. So i used a new plugin call Swiss Knife - interactor what it does is uses the canvas as an intractable surface which means you can create interaction animations by creating Nulls linked to the object and intractable items. To create the interaction its simple you make the animation say hover state on a button, the you select all the element and select the object you want to interact with the content in my case its the VR guest controller, then selected interactor and thats it.

Swiss Knife - interactor


Ive been using unity as a prototyping tool for the couple of years, its a great tool to get your ideas out of you head and onto devices such as the Oculus Quest. Ive been using frameworks for simple interactions so i spend more time designing then developing - Im not a software developer but i know how to do some basic scripting which sometimes can be handy.

Frameworks I've used to help my prototyping development:
Amplify Bundle


So we building this platform for Oculus Quest 1 and 2 so we can use PBR shaders, which are created from a shader graph. Shader Graph lets you easily create shaders by building them visually and see the results in real-time. You create and connect nodes in a network graph instead of having to write code.


Sound is very important for emersive content, think of a room being super quite and everything you touch doest make a sound - feel wired right so in VR its the same, we help the uses cognitive load by adding sounds to an interactions.

Haptic feedback is important when it comes to interactions , it helps the user understand they can do something or give them reassurance that they have done something.


Lobby MVP



Overall i enjoyed my time at gravity sketch and i believe the product will go fair! so much protectional and so much you can design with the tool.

It will be interesting to see how successful the iPad app and LP are and how many user will adopt it for commercial use not just to play around with.

EA asked me to join there team but otherwise i would have stayed here, great product and great people.